Antique Hardware Salvage & Restoration

Restoring pieces of the past to preserve their story for the future


Looking for unique hardware to complete your home restoration or to add a bit of character to your project? Heidi's Rusty Relics offers an array of unique and antique door knobs, door knob plates, hinges, locks, and other gems that simply cannot be matched by your typical hardware stores. Each piece is carefully cleaned and restored by hand bringing new life and purpose to otherwise discarded treasures. 

In an age of mass produced goods, our items are a gentle nod to the generations before us, their hard work that went into crafting each piece and the beauty they created for us to cherish and enjoy today. As a small business, I take pride in knowing that my items are more than an easy upgrade; they are restored pieces of the past that are preserved for customers like you who share in my appreciation of the intricate design, beautiful craftsmanship and the rich history immersed in each piece.

So what can I help you find today? I am ready to help you find the most perfect treasure for your home.


I have always loved antiques. The history and stories behind old treasures brought a sense of excitement and appreciation for the generations before me. My interest in old hardware, specifically, began when I started working for an architectural salvage store. Random loads would be brought in from a site and I got to be the treasure hunter uncovering a trove of history. 

I loved finding a set of glass door knobs in perfect condition, stamped brass door plates that were so intricate in design, or steeple hinges that were so coated in paint that others would have discarded them without a second thought. I knew that behind the dirt and under those layers of paint was a piece of history. The more I salvaged these items, the more I began to deeply appreciate the craftsmanship and hard work that went into such simple necessities like door knobs and hinges that most people don't think twice about today.

I fell in love with this aspect of my job. So much so that on my own time I started finding old hardware at yard sales and auctions that were in disrepair and would buy and restore them. There was such satisfaction in cleaning those cast iron steeple hinges to see the beautiful design under the 8 coats of paint and neglect.

As my collection grew, so did my interests. Mortise or box locks would find their way into the random auction lots that I purchased and I began to take them apart, give them a proper clean, and put them back together so they would function properly. The combination of my ever growing inventory and my soft spot for antique hardware led me to open my very own store.

As the sole owner and operator of this small shop, I thrive on helping people find a missing piece to their hardware set or a door knob that matches the rest of their old home. I love to help people discover something "new" that has been around for hundreds of years and share my passion with my customers.

Ultimately, I am restoring and offering pieces of the past for YOU to love in the present and cherish throughout your future.

Restoring pieces of the past to preserve their story for the future